Born in Thessaloniki, I heard the big sea call me, so after becoming a radio operator, i went to sea. I ended up in Germany. Studying arts in Cologne made me settle. After 24 years of working independently as a graphic designer and painter, enjoying culture in my free time, I went back to Greece and the big sea.
I created a living space for me and my family (wife and 3 kids) on the north aegean island Samothrace, and built up this little guesthouse with 4 double rooms and occasional painting classes. Even though I've already spent a lot of summers here, the island still enchants me with its shadowy mystical mountain Fengari and its bright clear horizon.
I'm sleepy by nature, but contrasts wake me up

Ανδρέας Τσορτανίδης
Ανάφης 6
56625 Θεσσαλονίκη
τηλ.: 2310-205 948
κινητό: 6977588626
68002 Σαμοθράκη
τηλ.: 25510-415 90
e-mail: hutuhutu@otenet.gr

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